
源代码在线查看: packets.mac

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				;* $Workfile:   packets.mac  $
				;* $Revision:   1.0  $
				;*   $Author:   Dave Sewell  $
				;*     $Date:   02 Jun 1989 14:09:26  $
				                SUBTTL  Communication packet definitions
				    packets.mac : January 4, 1989 : Alan Butt
				    This file contains the structure definitions for the packets used
				    in the expansion box device drivers
				TEST_PACKET_REQ     EQU     0           ; Data Transfer Test packet types
				INIT_PACKET_REQ     EQU     1           ; Initialization Information packet types
				MEDIA_CHECK_REQ     EQU     2           ; Media Check packet types
				BUILD_BPB_REQ       EQU     3           ; Build BPB packet types
				READ_REQ            EQU     4           ; Read packet types
				WRITE_REQ           EQU     5           ; Write packet types
				WRITE_VER_REQ       EQU     6           ; Write-Verify packet types
				ERROR_REQ           EQU     7           ; Error packet type
				AUX_INIT_REQ        EQU     8
				AUX_READ_REQ        EQU     9           ; Auxiliary driver read request
				AUX_WRITE_REQ       EQU     10          ; Auxiliary driver write request
				AUX_WRITE_VER_REQ   EQU     11          ; Auxiliary driver write verify request
				ND_READ_REQ         EQU     12          ; Non-Destructive read request
				INPUT_STATUS_REQ    EQU     13          ; Input status request
				OUTPUT_STATUS_REQ   EQU     14          ; Output status request
				FLUSH_INPUT_REQ     EQU     15          ; Flush Input request
				FLUSH_OUTPUT_REQ    EQU     16          ; Flush Output request
				AUX_DEV_OPEN_REQ    EQU     17          ; Auxiliary device open request
				AUX_DEV_CLOSE_REQ   EQU     18          ; Auxiliary device close request
				AUX_IOCTL_READ_REQ  EQU     19          ; Auxiliary device IOCTL READ request
				AUX_IOCTL_WRITE_REQ EQU     20          ; Auxiliary device IOCTL WRITE request
				OUTPUT_TIL_BUSY_REQ EQU     21          ; Output until busy request
				DEV_OPEN_REQ        EQU     22          ; Device Open request
				DEV_CLOSE_REQ       EQU     23          ; Device Close requset
				REMOVABLE_MEDIA_REQ EQU     24          ; Removable media request
				BIOS_PRINT_REQ      EQU     25          ; Auxiliary BIOS print character
				BIOS_INIT_REQ       EQU     26          ; Auxiliary BIOS init printer
				BIOS_STATUS_REQ     EQU     27          ; Auxiliary BIOS get printer status
				DRIVE_INFO_REQ      EQU     28          ; Get drive info.
				GEN_IOCTL_REQ       EQU     29          ; Generic IOCTL
				PACKET_TYPES        EQU     30          ; Number of packet types
				UNASSIGNED          EQU     0FFH
				DONT_CARE           EQU     0FEH
				    Conventions for packet structure definitions:
				      o All packet definitions have the common packet at the front.  The common
				        packet contains fields which are common to all packets.
				      o There are two types of packets.  Requests and Answers.  The packet
				        request structures are suffixed with an '_r' and packet answer
				        structures with an '_a'.
				      o All fields in the structures (except the common fields) are prefixed
				        with the initials of the packet name.  This has to be done since the
				        field names must be unique.
				common_packet   STRUC                   ; Fields Common to all packets
				    packet_type db      ?               ; Packet type
				common_packet   ENDS
				OS_MSDOS        EQU     0
				DEV_SEWELL      EQU     0
				server_info_r   STRUC
				    sir_os_type         dw  ?
				    sir_developer       dw  ?
				    sir_product         dw  ?
				    sir_version         dw  ?
				    sir_device_driver   db  ?
				    sir_want_supported  db  ?
				    sir_checksum        db  ?
				    sir_crc             db  ?
				    sir_max_ser_block   dw  ?
				    sir_reserved        db  12 dup(?)
				    sir_client_id       dd  ?
				    sir_last_server_id  dd  ?
				server_info_r   ENDS
				server_info_a   STRUC
				    sia_os_type         dw  ?
				    sia_developer       dw  ?
				    sia_product         dw  ?
				    sia_version         dw  ?
				    sia_device_server   db  ?
				    sia_checksum        db  ?
				    sia_crc             db  ?
				    sia_max_ser_block   dw  ?
				    sia_reserved        db  12 dup(?)
				    sia_last_client_id  dd  ?
				    sia_server_id       dd  ?
				server_info_a   ENDS
				init_packet_r   STRUC                   ; Init packet request
				                        db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    ipr_major_version   db  ?           ; Client program major version number
				    ipr_minor_version   db  ?           ; Client program minor version number
				    ipr_dos_version     dw  ?           ; Client DOS version number
				    ipr_max_devices     db  ?           ; Maximum devices master can accept
				    ipr_first_unit      db  ?           ; First unit number in driver on master
				    ;--- IMPORTANT NOTE: ipr_prn_map must immediately precede ipr_mapping because
				    ;--- a block move is used to load up the values.
				    ipr_prn_map         db  3 DUP (?)   ; First redirected LPT port on master
				    ipr_mapping         db  MAX_DEVICES DUP (?)
				init_packet_r   ENDS
				init_packet_a   STRUC                   ; Init packet answer
				    ipa_major_version   db  ?           ; Server program major version number
				    ipa_minor_version   db  ?           ; Server program minor version number
				    ipa_dos_version     dw  ?           ; Server DOS version
				    ipa_devices         db  ?           ; # of logical devices on remote
				    ;--- IMPORTANT NOTE: ipa_prn_map must immediately precede ipa_mapping because
				    ;--- a block move is used to copy the values.
				    ipa_prn_map         db  3 DUP(?)    ; Mapping of printer ports
				    ipa_mapping         db  MAX_DEVICES DUP (?)
				    ipa_attributes      dw  MAX_DEVICES DUP (?)
				    ipa_multitasker     db  ?
				init_packet_a   ENDS
				media_check_r   STRUC                   ; Media check request
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    mcr_unit        db  ?               ; Unit number
				    mcr_media_id    db  ?               ; MS-DOSs notion of media id byte
				media_check_r   ENDS
				media_check_a   STRUC                   ; Media check answer
				    mca_status      dw  ?               ; Driver status word
				    mca_changed     db  ?               ; Media Changed code
				    mca_volume      db  MAX_VOLUME DUP (?)
				    mca_serial_num  dd  ?
				media_check_a   ENDS
				build_bpb_r     STRUC                   ; Build BPB request
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    bbr_unit        db  ?               ; Unit Number
				    bbr_media_id    db  ?               ; MS-DOSs notion of the media id byte
				build_bpb_r     ENDS
				build_bpb_a     STRUC                   ; Build BPB answer
				    bba_status          dw  ?               ; Device driver status word
				    bba_bpb             bios_parameter_block    ; buffer for the bpb
				build_bpb_a     ENDS
				io_r            STRUC  ; Read/Write/Write-Verify/IOCTL-Read/IOCTL-Write request
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    ior_unit        db  ?               ; Unit number
				    ior_media_id    db  ?               ; MS-DOSs notion of the media ID Byte
				    ior_requested   dw  ?               ; Bytes/Sectors requested
				    ior_start       dw  ?               ; Starting sector number
				    ior_huge_start  dd  ?               ; 32-bit starting sector number
				io_r            ENDS
				io_a            STRUC  ; Read/Write/Write-Verify/IOCTL-Read/IOCTL-Write answer
				    ioa_status      dw  ?               ; Device driver status word
				    ioa_transfered  dw  ?               ; Bytes/Sectors transfered
				    ioa_volume      db  MAX_VOLUME + 4 DUP (?)
				io_a            ENDS
				error_r         STRUC                   ; Error packet
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    err_block_dvr   db  ?               ; True if block driver
				    err_unit        db  ?               ; Unit number or Id code
				    err_code        db  ?               ; Error code
				    err_data        db  ?               ; Additional information byte
				error_r         ENDS
				ocrm_r          STRUC                   ; Open/Close/Removable media requests
				                db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    ocr_unit    db  ?                   ; Unit number
				ocrm_r          ENDS
				ocrm_a          STRUC                   ; Open/Close/removable media answers
				    oca_status  dw  ?                   ; Device driver status word
				ocrm_a          ENDS
				gen_ioctl_r     STRUC
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    gir_unit        db  ?
				    gir_category    db  ?
				    gir_function    db  ?
				gen_ioctl_r     ENDS
				gen_ioctl_a     STRUC
				    gia_status  dw  ?                   ; Device driver status word
				gen_ioctl_a     ENDS
				bios_r          STRUC                   ; Auxiliary BIOS request (INT 17H) requests
				                    db  ?               ; Byte for packet type
				    bsr_bios_port   db  ?               ; Bios Port number
				    bsr_char        db  ?               ; Character to print
				bios_r          ENDS
				bios_a          STRUC                   ; Auxiliary BIOS request (INT 17H) answers
				    bsa_status      db  ?               ; Return status
				bios_a          ENDS
				drive_info_r        STRUC
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    dir_unit        db  ?   
				drive_info_r        ENDS
				drive_info_a       STRUC
				    dia_size        db  10 DUP (?)
				    dia_vol_label   db  12 DUP (?)
				    dia_write_prot  db  ?
				drive_info_a       ENDS
				lpt_o_r             STRUC
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    lpt_id          db  ?
				    print_count     dw  ?
				    print_data      db  ?
				lpt_o_r             ENDS
				lpt_o_a             STRUC
				    lpt_status      dw  ?
				    lpt_transferred dw  ?
				lpt_o_a             ENDS
				lpt_cmd_r           STRUC
				                    db  TYPE common_packet DUP (?)
				    lpt_id          db  ?
				lpt_cmd_r           ENDS
				lpt_cmd_a           STRUC
				    lca_status      dw  ?
				lpt_cmd_a           ENDS
				MAX_PACKET      EQU     TYPE init_packet_a ; Maximum packet size
				; Below are the definitions of the error codes for ERROR_REQ
				ER_BAD_MEDIA    EQU     0               ; Unusable media error
				ER_BAD_ID_CODE  EQU     1               ; Bad id_code in auxiliary driver
