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源代码在线查看: build+run.bat

软件大小: 1689 K
上传用户: NJ_WK
关键词: codebook
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# Build the class files
				javac -d . *.java
				# Build the stubs for the Registrar
				rmic  -d . com.darwinsys.callback.TickerServerImpl
				# Build the stubs for the Client Agent
				rmic  -d . com.darwinsys.client.ClientProgram
				# detached: use "start" on M$ and delete it, use "&" at the end, on *NIX
				# Run the RMI Registry
				start rmiregistry
				# Run the Registrar Server
				start java ServerMain
				# Run the client (in a different window)
				start java com.darwinsys.client.ClientProgram
