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				; MESSAGE.INC - 20-Jul-87 - Runtime Message Definitions
				;       Copyright  1986, Microsoft Corporation
				;       Message text, number and symbol information. If the macro RTEDEF has
				;       already been defined, we just use it, else we use a macro which just
				;       defines the symbolic labels that the error numbers relate to.
				; Message Isolation and Internationalization.
				; All text messages in the BASIC runtime are defined in this file. A kit is
				; provided to allow an OEM customer to alter the text of the messages. This
				; kit consists of:
				;    - This file. Defines all text.
				;       *.asm           - Assembly files which include this file to generate
				;                         actual message text.
				;       newmsg.bat      - A batch file which assembles the *.asm files, and
				;                         replaces them in their appropriate libraries.
				;       chmsg.exe       - A message extraction / insertion utility to alter the
				;                         messages in the runtime module .EXE files without
				;                         relinking.
				; To change message text:
				;       1) Edit this file to change the text of the messages as required. The
				;          text is always the last argument to the RTEDEF or RLEDEF macros.
				;          Commented out text is present for documentation purposes only, and
				;          editting it will have no effect.
				;          There is no length limit on messages altered in this file.
				;          Messages may not contain null characters.
				;       2) Run newmsg.bat, with this file, the *.asm files, and the product
				;          libraries in the current directory.
				;       3) Run chmsg on the runtime module:
				;               chmsg brun30c.exe >brun30c.txt
				;       4) Edit brun30c.txt to alter the messages as desired.
				;       5) Run chmsg on the runtime module again:
				;               chmsg brun30c.exe brun30c.txt
				;          Note: no redirection this time. This will install the new messages.
				;          There is a limit, as reported by chmsg, as to the available space
				;          for altered messages.
				;       6) repeat steps 3 through 6 on brun30p.exe.
				; RTEDEF macro
				; Used to define Run Time Error and other text messages, and symbolic constants
				; associated with them. If RTEDEF has not already been defined by the time this
				; file is INCLUDEd, the default RTEDEF just equates the symbol to the numeric
				; value. In this way, just INCLUDEing this file, without any further thought,
				; gives you the set of symbolic message constants.
				; Files which actually want to define the text associated with the messages
				; will define RTEDEF, prior to including this file, to perform whatever they
				; need with the information available.
				IFNDEF  RTEDEF                  ;if no RTEDEF macro already defined
				IFNB                    ;;If there is a symbol to be defined
				SYMBOL  EQU     NUM             ;;Define message symbol
					ENDM                    ;;RTEDEF MACRO
				ENDIF                           ;IFNDEF RTEDEF
				; RCEDEF macro
				; This is a special case of the RCEDEF macro used to define the strings used by
				; the DOS 3 runtime loader. (RCE -> Runtime C Error). By default the macro
				; does what RTEDEF does. In the files needed, the macro is defined as required
				; to define symbolic constants and/or text.
				IFNDEF  RCEDEF                  ; if RCEDEF macro not already defined
					ENDM                    ;;RCEDEF MACRO
				; RLEDEF macro
				; This is a special case of the RTEDEF macro used to define the strings used by
				; the DOS 3 runtime loader. (RLE -> Runtime Loader Error). By default the macro
				; does nothing. In the files needed, the macro is defined as required to define
				; symbolic constants and/or text.
				IFNDEF  RLEDEF                  ;[12]if RLEDEF macro not already defined
				RLEDEF  MACRO   LABEL,TEXT      ;[12]if not defined, just null
					ENDM    ;;RLEDEF MACRO  ;[12]
				ENDIF   ;IFNDEF RLEDEF          ;[12]
				; RXEDEF macro [32]
				; This is a special case of the RTEDEF macro used to define the strings used by
				; the DOEXEC procedure.  (RXE -> Runtime eXec Error). By default the macro does
				; nothing.  In the files needed, the macro is defined as required to define
				; labels and text.
				IFNDEF  RXEDEF                  ;[32] if RXEDEF macro not already defined
				RXEDEF  MACRO   LABEL,NUM,TEXT  ;[32] if not defined, just null
					ENDM    ;;RXEDEF MACRO  ;[32]
				ENDIF   ;IFNDEF RXEDEF          ;[32]
				; Define useful characters
				ASCCR   =       0DH             ;Carriage return
				;       Messages.
				;       Messages are numbered as follows:
				;       0000H - 00FFH:  BE_???? - Standard "Basic" Errors 0 through 255
				;       0100H - 7FFFH:  Unused
				;       8000H - FFFFH:  Internal messages.
				;                       8000 - 8FFFH:   MS_??? - Non-error messages
				;                       9000 - 9FFFH:   FE_??? - Fatal "crash and burn" errors.
				;                               9000-93FF:      Line number & Module valid
				;                               9400-96FF:      Module valid
				;                               9700-97FF:      QB interp initialization errors
				;                               9800-9BFF:      Nothing valid
				;       BE: Basic Errors
				;       These are all the basic errors that can be generated at run time.
					RTEDEF  SN,  BE_SYNTAX,    2,"Syntax error"
					RTEDEF  RG,  BE_RETURN,    3,"RETURN without GOSUB"
					RTEDEF  OD,  BE_NODATA,    4,"Out of DATA"
					RTEDEF  FC,  BE_ILLFUN,    5,"Illegal function call"
					RTEDEF  OV,  BE_OVERFLOW,  6,"Overflow"
					RTEDEF  OM,  BE_MEMORY,    7,"Out of memory"
					RTEDEF  BS,  BE_SUBSCRIP,  9,"Subscript out of range"
					RTEDEF  ,BE_REDIM,    10,"Duplicate definition"     ;[23]  avoids assembly confusion
					RTEDEF  DV0, BE_DIVIDE0,  11,"Division by zero"
					RTEDEF  TM,  BE_TYPE,     13,"Type mismatch"
					RTEDEF  OS,  BE_STRINGSP, 14,"Out of string space"
					RTEDEF  ST,  BE_STRINGFO, 16,"String formula too complex"
					RTEDEF  RE,  BE_RESUME,   20,"RESUME without error"
					RTEDEF  DTO, BE_DEVTIME,  24,"Device timeout"
					RTEDEF  DVF, BE_DEVFAULT, 25,"Device fault"
					RTEDEF  OTP, BE_NOPAPER,  27,"Out of paper"
					RTEDEF  ,,                39,"CASE ELSE expected"       ;[9]
					RTEDEF  RVR, BE_RECVARREQ,40,"Variable required"        ;[30]
					RTEDEF  FOV, BE_FIELD,    50,"FIELD overflow"
					RTEDEF  INT, BE_INTERNAL, 51,"Internal error"
					RTEDEF  IFN, BE_FILENUM,  52,"Bad file name or number"  ;[23]
					RTEDEF  FNF, BE_NOFILE,   53,"File not found"
					RTEDEF  BFM, BE_FILEMODE, 54,"Bad file mode"
					RTEDEF  FAO, BE_FILEOPEN, 55,"File already open"
					RTEDEF  FSA, BE_FLDACTIVE,56,"FIELD statement active"   ;[9]
					RTEDEF  IOE, BE_DEVICEIO, 57,"Device I/O error"
					RTEDEF  FAE, BE_EXISTS,   58,"File already exists"
					RTEDEF  BRL, BE_BADRECLEN,59,"Bad record length"        ;[9]
					RTEDEF  DFL, BE_DISKFULL, 61,"Disk full"
					RTEDEF  RPE, BE_PASTEND,  62,"Input past end of file"   ;[23]
					RTEDEF  BRN, BE_BADREC,   63,"Bad record number"
					RTEDEF  BFN, BE_BADNAME,  64,"Bad file name"
					RTEDEF  TMF, BE_TOOMANY,  67,"Too many files"
					RTEDEF  DNA, BE_NODEVICE, 68,"Device unavailable"
					RTEDEF  CBO, BE_COMMBUFF, 69,"Communication-buffer overflow" ;[23]
					RTEDEF  FWP, BE_HANDSOFF, 70,"Permission denied"        ;[23]
					RTEDEF  DNR, BE_NOTREADY, 71,"Disk not ready"
					RTEDEF  DME, BE_MEDIA,    72,"Disk-media error"         ;[23]
					RTEDEF  AFE, BE_ADVANCED, 73,"Advanced feature unavailable" ;[23]
					RTEDEF  RAD, BE_RENAME,   74,"Rename across disks"
					RTEDEF  ACD, BE_ACCESS,   75,"Path/File access error"   ;[24]
					RTEDEF  PNF, BE_NOTFOUND, 76,"Path not found"
					RTEDEF  UPE, BE_UNPRINT, 255,"Unprintable error"
				;       MS: Internal Messages of various sorts
				;       These are just text messages, not necessarily related to errors.
					RTEDEF  ,MS_BASE,       8000H           ;[14]Base of messages
					RTEDEF  ,MS_REDO,       8000H,"Redo from start"         ;[23]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_ULPROMPT,   8002H           ;"Cannot find file (" ;[22]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_ULPROMPTEND 8003H           ;"). Input path: " ;[24]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_ULERR,      8004H           ;"Error in loading file ( " ;[22]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_ULERREND,   8005H           ;") - " ;[22]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_SEED,       8006H,       ;[24]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_HITTORETURN,8007H,"Hit any key to return to system" ;[20]
					RTEDEF  ,MS_QBEND,      8007H           ;[14]End of interp messages
					RTEDEF  ,MS_IN,         8008H," in "
					RTEDEF  ,MS_OF,         8009H," of "
					RTEDEF  ,MS_LINE,       800AH,"line "
					RTEDEF  ,MS_MODULE,     800BH,"module "
					RTEDEF  ,MS_ATADDR,     800CH," at address "
					RTEDEF  ,MS_BREAK,      800DH,"*Break*"
				;       FE: Fatal Errors of various sorts
				;       Errors when line numbers and module names should be valid
				;**** WARNING: If you change order, add or delete messages, make sure
				;**** WARNING: that you notify the interpreter of these changes.
					RTEDEF  ,FE_BASE,       9000H
					RTEDEF  SSC,FE_CORRUPT, 9000H,"String space corrupt"    ;[23]
					RTEDEF  ,FE_ULDISK,     9001H           ;"Disk I/O error"
					RTEDEF  ,FE_ULINVALID,  9002H           ;"Invalid format"
					RTEDEF  ,FE_ULSEGORDER, 9003H           ;"Segment ordering problem"
					RTEDEF  ,FE_ULFILE,     9004H           ;"Cannot find file"
					RTEDEF  ,FE_QBEND       9004H           ;[14]End of QB FE "all valid" messages
					RTEDEF  EXE,FE_EXE,     9005H,"Error in EXE file"       ;[10]
					RTEDEF  ,FE_STOP,       9006H,"STOP"
					RTEDEF  OSS,FE_NOSTACK, 9007H,"Out of stack space"    ;[31]
				;       Errors when module name should be valid
					RTEDEF  NOL,FE_NOLINES, 9400H,"No line number in "      ;[23]
				;       QB interpreter Initialization errors after Runtime init has
				;       succeeded.
					RTEDEF  ,FE_QBINITBASE, 9700H   ;[19]
				;       Errors when NOTHING is valid
					RTEDEF  DOS,FE_DOSERR,    9800H,"Requires DOS 2.10 or later"    ;[49]
					RTEDEF  LLI,FE_LLINITERR, 9801H,"Error during run-time initialization"  ;[42]
					RTEDEF  ,FE_MEMORY,       9802H,"Out of memory"         ;[21]
					RTEDEF  MEM,FE_DOSMEMERR, 9803H,"DOS memory-arena error"
					RTEDEF  FHC,FE_FHCONSIST, 9804H,"Far heap corrupt"      ;[23]
				;[17]   User library loader messages
					RTEDEF  ,FE_ULMEMALLOC,   9806H         ;"Memory allocation error"
					RTEDEF  ,FE_QBNOTHINGEND, 9806H         ;[21]End of QB error messages
				; Messages that are generated by the interpeter, processed through the runtime
				; error handler, and passed on to the intepreter. (9900H)
					RTEDEF  ,FE_GODIRECT,     9900H         ;[29]
				;[32] C message number have been given a high byte of 9Ah.  All these moved
				;[32] here with revision [32].
					RCEDEF  ,FE_STARTUPBASE,9A00H           ; C startup messages
					RCEDEF  ,,9A00H,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A02H,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A03H,
					; Messages copied and used by DOEXEC (these 3 must be contiguous)
					RXEDEF ,9A05H,
					RXEDEF ,9A06H,
					RXEDEF ,9A07H,
				;[33] The following messages are required for mixed-language processing and
				;[33] internationalization.
					RCEDEF  ,,9A08H,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A09H,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A0CH,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A0DH,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A0EH,
					RCEDEF  ,,9A0FH,
				;[34] Die "really quick" errors.  These have a high byte of '9B'.
				;[12]   Runtime module loader error messages.
					RLEDEF  HeaderErrStr, ;[37]
					RLEDEF  MemAllocErrStr,  ;[23]
					RLEDEF  CannotFindStr,  ;[23]
					RLEDEF  DiskIOErrStr,             ;[23]
					RLEDEF  InvalidStr,               ;[23]
					RLEDEF  OutOfMemStr,               ;[23]
					RLEDEF  ArenaBadStr,      ;[23]
					RLEDEF  BadUsrRtmStr, ;[48]
					RLEDEF  TrailerErrStr,
					RLEDEF  PathPromptStr,      ;[42]
