
源代码在线查看: labeledcsvparser.bte

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关键词: excel java 操作
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								Labeled Comma Separated Values (CSV)				Read a CSV file and treat the first line as column titles.				labeled, labels, label, column, heading, headers, title, titles, csv, comma, separated, value, values, comma, separated, value, values comma separated value, values, java, util, utility, utilities, class, classes, library, libraries, source, code, open source, gpl												Example				LabeledCSVParser lcsvp = new LabeledCSVParser(				    new CSVParser(				        new StringReader(				            "Name,Phone\n" +				            "Stewart,212-555-3233\n" +				            "Cindy,212-555-8492\n"				        )				    )				);								String[] line;				while((line=lcsvp.getLine())!=null){				    System.out.println(				        "Name: " + lcsvp.getValueByLabel("Name")				    );				    System.out.println(				        "Phone: " + lcsvp.getValueByLabel("Phone")				    );				}												CSV with column headings: LabeledCSVParser								The labeled CSV parser allows you to use either the CSV or the Excel CSV parsers, treating them as if the first line were the column headings.								[Download /w Source |				Version History |				Browse Source |				Documentation]																							
