序号:44725 发表者:剑月明 发表日期:2003-06-23 00:01:40
回复者:bird 回复日期:2003-06-23 09:04:16
内容:最大化、最小化将发送WM_SYSCOMMAND消息。要处理该消息,可以这么做: 1、在Form的头文件中添加: void __fastcall RestrictMinimizeMaximize(TMessage &Msg); BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SYSCOMMAND, TMessage, RestrictMinimizeMaximize) END_MESSAGE_MAP(TForm) 2、在Form的单元文件中添加: void __fastcall TForm1::RestrictMinimizeMaximize(TMessage& Msg) { if (Msg.WParam == SC_MINIMIZE) { //catches minimize... } else if (Msg.WParam == SC_MAXIMIZE) { //catches maximize... } TForm::Dispatch(&Msg); // or "else TForm::Dispatch(&Msg)" to trap } 关闭窗口的消息为WM_CLOSE,C++Builder提供了OnClose事件
答案被接受回复者:bird 回复日期:2003-06-23 09:04:29
内容:你应该截取 WM_SYSCOMMAND消息。该消息参数为: uCmdType = wParam; // type of system command requested xPos = LOWORD(lParam); // horizontal postion, in screen coordinates yPos = HIWORD(lParam); // vertical postion, in screen coordinates 其中uCmdType表示用户的选择: SC_CLOSE Closes the window. SC_CONTEXTHELP Changes the cursor to a question mark with a pointer. If the user then clicks a control in the dialog box, the control receives a WM_HELP message. SC_DEFAULT Selects the default item; the user double-clicked the System menu. SC_HOTKEY Activates the window associated with the application-specified hot key. The low-order word of lParam identifies the window to activate. SC_HSCROLL Scrolls horizontally. SC_KEYMENU Retrieves the System menu as a result of a keystroke. SC_MAXIMIZE (or SC_ZOOM) Maximizes the window. SC_MINIMIZE (or SC_ICON) Minimizes the window. SC_MONITORPOWER Windows 95 only: Sets the state of the display. This command supports devices that have power-saving features, such as a battery-powered personal computer. SC_MOUSEMENU Retrieves the System menu as a result of a mouse click. SC_MOVE Moves the window. SC_NEXTWINDOW Moves to the next window. SC_PREVWINDOW Moves to the previous window. SC_RESTORE Restores the window to its normal position and size. SC_SCREENSAVE Executes the screen saver application specified in the [boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI file. SC_SIZE Sizes the window. SC_TASKLIST Executes or activates Windows Task Manager. SC_VSCROLL Scrolls vertically.
回复者:VChen 回复日期:2003-06-25 00:17:50