源代码在线查看: eth_txcounters.v
`include "timescale.v"
module eth_txcounters (StatePreamble, StateIPG, StateData, StatePAD, StateFCS, StateJam,
StateBackOff, StateDefer, StateIdle, StartDefer, StartIPG, StartFCS,
StartJam, StartBackoff, TxStartFrm, MTxClk, Reset, MinFL, MaxFL, HugEn,
ExDfrEn, PacketFinished_q, DlyCrcEn, StateSFD, ByteCnt, NibCnt,
ExcessiveDefer, NibCntEq7, NibCntEq15, MaxFrame, NibbleMinFl, DlyCrcCnt
parameter Tp = 1;
input MTxClk; // Tx clock
input Reset; // Reset
input StatePreamble; // Preamble state
input StateIPG; // IPG state
input [1:0] StateData; // Data state
input StatePAD; // PAD state
input StateFCS; // FCS state
input StateJam; // Jam state
input StateBackOff; // Backoff state
input StateDefer; // Defer state
input StateIdle; // Idle state
input StateSFD; // SFD state
input StartDefer; // Defer state will be activated in next clock
input StartIPG; // IPG state will be activated in next clock
input StartFCS; // FCS state will be activated in next clock
input StartJam; // Jam state will be activated in next clock
input StartBackoff; // Backoff state will be activated in next clock
input TxStartFrm; // Tx start frame
input [15:0] MinFL; // Minimum frame length (in bytes)
input [15:0] MaxFL; // Miximum frame length (in bytes)
input HugEn; // Pakets bigger then MaxFL enabled
input ExDfrEn; // Excessive deferral enabled
input PacketFinished_q;
input DlyCrcEn; // Delayed CRC enabled
output [15:0] ByteCnt; // Byte counter
output [15:0] NibCnt; // Nibble counter
output ExcessiveDefer; // Excessive Deferral occuring
output NibCntEq7; // Nibble counter is equal to 7
output NibCntEq15; // Nibble counter is equal to 15
output MaxFrame; // Maximum frame occured
output NibbleMinFl; // Nibble counter is greater than the minimum frame length
output [2:0] DlyCrcCnt; // Delayed CRC Count
wire ExcessiveDeferCnt;
wire ResetNibCnt;
wire IncrementNibCnt;
wire ResetByteCnt;
wire IncrementByteCnt;
wire ByteCntMax;
reg [15:0] NibCnt;
reg [15:0] ByteCnt;
reg [2:0] DlyCrcCnt;
assign IncrementNibCnt = StateIPG | StatePreamble | (|StateData) & ~|DlyCrcCnt[2:0] | StatePAD
| StateFCS | StateJam | StateBackOff | StateDefer & ~ExcessiveDefer & TxStartFrm;
assign ResetNibCnt = StateDefer & ExcessiveDefer & ~TxStartFrm | StatePreamble & NibCntEq15
| StateJam & NibCntEq7 | StateIdle | StartDefer | StartIPG | StartFCS | StartJam;
// Nibble Counter
always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
NibCnt else
NibCnt else
NibCnt end
assign NibCntEq7 = &NibCnt[2:0];
assign NibCntEq15 = &NibCnt[3:0];
assign NibbleMinFl = NibCnt >= (((MinFL-3'h4)
assign ExcessiveDeferCnt = NibCnt[13:0] == 16'h17b7;
assign ExcessiveDefer = NibCnt[13:0] == 16'h17b7 & ~ExDfrEn; // 6071 nibbles
assign IncrementByteCnt = StateData[1] & ~ByteCntMax & ~|DlyCrcCnt[2:0]
| StateBackOff & (&NibCnt[6:0])
| (StatePAD | StateFCS) & NibCnt[0] & ~ByteCntMax;
assign ResetByteCnt = StartBackoff | StateIdle & TxStartFrm | PacketFinished_q;
// Transmit Byte Counter
always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
ByteCnt[15:0] else
ByteCnt[15:0] else
ByteCnt[15:0] end
assign MaxFrame = ByteCnt[15:0] == MaxFL[15:0] & ~HugEn;
assign ByteCntMax = &ByteCnt[15:0];
// Delayed CRC counter
always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
DlyCrcCnt else
if(StateData[1] & DlyCrcCnt == 3'h4 | StartJam | PacketFinished_q)
DlyCrcCnt else
if(DlyCrcEn & (StateSFD | StateData[1] & (|DlyCrcCnt[2:0])))
DlyCrcCnt end