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创惟科技 GL885E USB充电控制芯片

  • 上传时间: 2023-06-22
  • 上传用户:wky20090436
  • 资源积分:2 下载积分
  • 标      签: ebook

资 源 简 介

Desktop and notebooks/netbooks are commonly used through the USB ports to charge handheld devices, such as cell phones, MP3/MP4 players, and gaming devices. Before Battery Charging Specification Rev. 1.1, most handheld devices have unique charging mechanisms that often not comoliant with cuttrnt source, i.e., desktop, notebook/netbook. With the Battery Charging Specification Rev 1.1 and adoption of the specification by OMTP, GSMA, CTIA and People's Republic of China, handheld around the world will have unified charging mechanism. GL885E enables legacy desktop and notebook/netbook designs to suppot Battery Charging Specification v1.1 with minimum alteration on USB data lines and power design.

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