Here is a sample session with tcode % tcode Fickett TESTCODE statistic to identify protein-coding DNA Input nucleotide seque
Here is a sample session with dbiflat % dbiflat Index a flat file database Database name: EMBL EMBL : EMBL
Here is a sample session with acdc % acdc antigenic Finds antigenic sites in proteins Input protein sequence(s): tsw:act1
Here is a sample session with dreg % dreg Regular expression search of a nucleotide sequence Input nucleotide sequence(s):
Here is a sample session with preg % preg Regular expression search of a protein sequence Input protein sequence(s): tsw:
Here is a sample session with seqretsplit % seqretsplit tembl:hsfa* Reads and writes (returns) sequences in individual files
Here is a sample session with biosed Replace all 'T's with 'U's to create an RNA sequence % biosed tembl:hsfau hsfau.rna -ta
Here is a sample session with vectorstrip % vectorstrip @vecseqs.list Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences Are
Here is a sample session with msbar This asks for 5 mutations, with point mutations as changes (substitutions), and the codon and block mutations ignored.
Here is a sample session with codcopy % codcopy Reads and writes a codon usage table Codon usage file: Eecoli.cut Cod
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